Monday, September 30, 2019

Disadvantages of Credit Cards

Disadvantages of Credit Cards Mehmetcan Sevim 070090077 Faculty of Management Faruk Cetiner 070090005 Faculty of Management Ceylin Ulusel 020090306 Faculty of Architecture English 201 Esra Sancak December 28, 2011 Disadvantages of Credit Cards Thesis: It is argued that credit cards are beneficial for individuals however they bring many financial problems, trigger consuming and cause psychological conflicts in long-term period. I. Financial A. Penalty rate 1. Late payments 2. Exceeding credit limit B. Transaction fee 1.Interchange fee 2. Foreign transaction fee I. Consumption A. Trigger effects 1. Consumer culture 2. Compulsive buying B. Spending addiction 1. Overspending 2. Indebtedness III. Psychological A. Behavior 1. Compulsive buying behavior 2. Money attitudes B. Mental 1. Depression 2. Self Esteem Finance can be defined as an art which leads to maximize return against risk. Dramatically increase at industrialization required more specific management and revealed many department s of companies such as marketing, sales, human resources.Finance provides pecuniary resources to these departments and also are used for cash flow management. When finance became more important in business life, finance industry emerged. Finance industry provides services related with the management of money. Banking service is the most ongoingness sector in the finance industry. It provides personal, commercial and mortgage loans which is related with credit system. Credit card which works to loan money monthly to consumers, is the most important component of credit system. People can buy goods, services without cash thanks to credit cards.It can be seen that credit card usage is so popular in banking system and most of the credit card holders have more than one credit card. It is argued that credit cards are beneficial for individuals however they bring many financial problems, trigger consuming and cause psychological conflicts in long-term period. First of all, credit cards brin g difficulties for consumers related with financial problems. Credit cards can be so dangerous financial tool when it is used by unconscious costumers. Financial difficulties related with credit cards are also derived from lack of knowledge about credit card usage.The first significant financial problem for credit card users is penalty rate. Late payment is one of the reasons which gives rise to penalty rate. As Buttel explains, there is no difference between time periods when people paid their credit card payments late. Grace period changes between 20 and 31 days and even if card holders make their payments one day late, they are exposed penalty rates. Moreover, although payment is made before the new grace period, credit card holders could be charged penalty rates if they don’t pay their current bill(2003,para. 8-11).This is why it is important that credit card holders should be careful about making their card payments on time. Furthermore, exceeding credit limit is another reason of penalty rate. Buttel states, according to the Consumer Action, credit card holders are exposed to pay high payments and over limit fees with be dragging customer limit down under the current balance by some credit card issuers (2003, para. 14). Clearly, some credit card issuers fox about credit card limits. Apart from penalty rate, credit cards also result transaction fee. To begin with, credit card holders suffer from interchange fee.When customers choose to pay with credit card instead of cash, they usually exposed to pay higher prices related with interchange fee. Mitchell states, â€Å"Interchange fees not only enhance the profits of large banks at the expense of retailers, but ultimately these fees are paid by consumers in the form of higher prices† (2009, para. 11). Obviously, credit card usage makes retailers raise their prices. In addition, foreign transaction fee is a variable charge that card holders usually can not chase. In foreign countries, it is poss ible that credit card holders have to make more payments.As Gerson explains, foreign transaction fees are hided by some issuers and they are so hard to be followed even if the card holders ask them from the customer service or the corporate office. Also, if cardholders use a card like Bank of America-issued Visa abroad, they have to pay Visa fee in addition to Bank of America’s own fee. This clearly shows the risk of using credit cards in foreign countries (2008, para. 3-5). Consequently, credit card usage brings along many problems related to transaction fee. Second of all, credit cards also have many trigger effects on consumption.The first major problem is the impacts of changing consumer culture and how it reforms the psychology of the credit card users. As Sheth indicates that triggers of consumption attitudes are mostly provided by the independence that is connected to process of production and the increasing force of authorization, which are also parts of the consumer culture (2003,para. 3). This is a fundamental and a detailed explanation of the connection between trigger effects of consumption and cultural consequences. Furthermore, compulsive buying is another triggering impact of credit cards.According to Roberts, Jones, in the realm of consumer behavior, credit cards can certainly be construed as promoting spending by making the transaction simpler or by removing the immediate need for money (2001, p. 220). It is obvious that credit cards stimulates spending in consumer behavior by many ways. In this case, these two facts are truly supporting the idea that credit cards are triggering consumption attitudes. Spending addiction is another outcome of credit card based consumption. One of the results of this addiction comes to the scene as the overspending attitude.According to Roberts, Jones, increasing number of indebted people creates a psychology that consents overspending and excessive shopping as a normal behavior which is expected to be ch anged in time (2001, p. 214). This fact explains the general judgement of overspending behavior among indebted customers. Moreover, indebtedness is another significant impact of spending addiction. Griffin states that, instead of accepting indebtedness as a moral failure, mischance is a commonly approved excuse that obstructs making other approaches about the situation (2003, p. 4).This fact clarifies that misconceptions about indebtedness in consumer psychology can orient credit card users negatively and can give rise to unconscious consumption. Eventually, overspending and indebtedness can be counted as the major consequences of spending addiction which –as it explained before- is triggered by many factors. The last and most dangerous effects of credit card usage are considered as psychological effects. First of all, credit cards cause some differences on consumer’s behavior. Credit cards provide a financial confidence even if the user’s financial situation is not reliable.Consumers buy goods and services by money which they had not earn, that situation causes uncontrolled consuming desire. As Parecki states, ‘’Many researchers define compulsive buying behavior as a form of chronic addiction –that is an ‘endless cycle of trying to satisfy that which cannot be satisfied’. Instead of creating healthy interpersonal relationships with other people, compulsive buyers replace their love and trust in the acquisition of objects’’ (1999, p. 4). This definition clearly leads us to negative effects of compulsive buying behavior.In addition, credit card usage also causes price sensitivity of consumer which becomes unbalanced. As Fogel and Schneider cited in Roberts and Junes, irresponsible credit card usage is related with the money attitudes of power and prestige but not price sensitivity (2010, para. 10). Credit cards cause irresponsible behavior because of the money attitudes of power and prestige. A s a result, credit card usage changes consumer habits in a negative way. The second psychological effect of credit cards is causing mental disorders. Credit card usage and card debts mostly lead to depression.Card debts getting higher and higher by default interest, and consumer becomes hopeless about clearing that debt. As Stevenson cited in Andrews and Willing explains, when the negative experiences are researched according to their effects on anxiety and depression level, the financial strain has been shown as %21 among participants (2008, p. 5). Financial issues mostly trigger depression and anxiety. Because of the default interest, situation gets worse and worse. Beyond that, card debts and uncontrolled credit card usage leads consumer to lowering self-esteem.As Parecki cited in Cole explains, compulsive buyers see themselves worthless and try to find ways to self-destruct. The consequences may include unemployment, bankruptcy, social isolation and divorce (1999,p. 9-10). Lower ing self-esteem may trigger self-destruct. All of the above show us how uncontrolled credit card usage damages mental health. References Buttel, A. E. (2003, September 25). Credit card penalty rates:Mistakes that trigger default APRs, from http://www. creditcards. com/credit-card-news/credit-card-penalty-rates 1267. php Gerson, E. S. 2008, November 21). Top credit card issuers’ foreign transaction fees, from http://www. creditcards. com/credit-card-news/foreign-transaction- conversion-fees-1276. php Mitchell, S. (2009, May 5). Soaring Credit Card Transaction Fees Squeeze Independent Business, from http://www. newrules. org/retail/news/soaring-credit-card-transaction- fees-squeeze-independent-businesses Sheth, J. , & Maholtra N. (2003). Global Consumer Culture. Retrieved October 18, 2011 from http://www. uwyo. edu/sustaindevsupport/docs/Global%20Consumer%20Culture. df Roberts, J. , & Jones E. (Winter 2001). Money Attitudes, Credit Card Use, and Compulsive Buying among American College Students. The Journal of Consumer Affair, 35(2), 213-231. Griffin, B. (2003). Reviewed from â€Å"The Character of Credit. Personal Debt in English Culture†. Finn, M. Retrieved October 18, 2011 from https://www. history. ac. uk/reviews/review/435 Vohwinkle, J. (n. d. ). Examine the Roots of  Overspending. Retrieved October 11, 2011 from http://financialplan. about. com/od/savingmoney/qt/Overspending. htm

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Human Development Index Health And Social Care Essay

Human Development Index ( HDI ) ranking of eight major economic systems of South Asia in the 2009 Human Development Report, released earlier this hebdomad, show a blue record with all states relegated to the 3rd class of medium development provinces with the planetary rankings falling in the 2nd half of the listings of 182 states. Exceeding the superior list of the South Asiatic states in 2007, the day of the month for which comprehensive information was available, was Maldives ( 95 ) , followed by Sri Lanka ( 102 ) , Bhutan ( 132 ) , India ( 134 ) , Pakistan ( 141 ) , Nepal ( 144 ) , Bangladesh ( 146 ) and Afghanistan ( 182 ) . The worst facet of the India ‘s low HDI ranking was its blue record in even a nucleus country like life anticipation. Life anticipation at birth in India was merely 63.4 old ages, which pushed it down in the last but one class, merely above Afghanistan where the life anticipation was a blue 43.6 old ages. South Asiatic states hiting above India in life anticipation included Bhutan and Bangladesh ( 65.7 old ages each ) , Pakistan ( 66.2 old ages ) , Nepal ( 66.3 old ages ) , Maldives ( 71.1 old ages ) and even the civil war hit Sri Lanka ( 74 old ages ) . India ‘s record on life anticipation is made worse by the low rates of endurance of immature individuals. The estimations show that the chance of deceasing before the age of 40 is among the highest in India, with 15.5 % of the cohort fring their lives. This is about three times the degree of mortality in Sri Lanka where merely 5.5 % of the population fail to traverse the 40-age grade. Afghanistan fared the worst where the opportunities of endurance over 40 was worst-with about 40 % of the individuals deceasing before achieving this age. What makes affairs even worse is that the chances of bettering opportunities of endurance of the younger age groups and bettering overall life anticipation may go on to be hampered by its dreamy attack to bettering kid public assistance, particularly the nutritionary degrees. A comparing of the statistics on scraggy kids in South Asia show that India ‘s record was among the worst, with 46 % of the kids scraggy, a record which was merely following to that of Bangladesh where the portion of†¦ The HDI combines three dimensions: Life anticipation at birth, as an index of population wellness and length of service Knowledge and instruction, as measured by the grownup literacy rate ( with two-thirds burdening ) and the combined primary, secondary, and third gross registration ratio ( with one-third weighting ) . Standard of life, as indicated by the natural logarithm of gross domestic merchandise per capita at buying power para.[ edit ] MethodologyThe Physical Quality of Life Index ( PQLI ) is an effort to mensurate the quality of life or wellbeing of a state. The value is the norm of three statistics: basic literacy rate, infant mortality, and life anticipation at age one, all every bit weighted on a 0 to 100 graduated table. It was developed for the Overseas Development Council in the mid-1970s by Morris David Morris, as one of a figure of steps created due to dissatisfaction with the usage of GNP as an index of development. PQLI might be regarded as an betterment but portions the general jobs of mensurating quality of life in a quantitative manner. It has besides been criticized because there is considerable convergence between infant mortality and life anticipation. The UN Human Development Index is a more widely used agencies of mensurating wellbeing. Stairss to Calculate Physical Quality of Life: 1 ) Find per centum of the population that is literate ( literacy rate ) . 2 ) Find the infant mortality rate. ( out of 1000 births ) INDEXED Infant Mortality Rate = ( 166 – infant mortality ) A- 0.625 3 ) Find the Life Expectancy. INDEXED Life Expectancy = ( Life expectancy – 42 ) A- 2.7 4 ) Physical Quality of Life = ( Literacy Rate + INDEXED Infant Mortality Rate + INDEXED Life Expectancy )_________________________________________________________________________3 The term quality of life is used to measure the general wellbeing of persons and societies. The term is used in a broad scope of contexts, including the Fieldss of international development, health care, and political relations. Quality of life should non be confused with the construct of criterion of life, which is based chiefly on income. Alternatively, standard indexs of the quality of life include non merely wealth and employment, but besides the built environment, physical and mental wellness, instruction, diversion and leisure clip, and societal belonging. [ 1 ] Harmonizing to ecological economic expert Robert Costanza: While Quality of Life ( QOL ) has long been an explicit or inexplicit policy end, equal definition and measuring have been elusive. Diverse â€Å" nonsubjective † and â€Å" subjective † indexs across a scope of subjects and graduated tables, and recent work on subjective wellbeing ( SWB ) studies and the psychological science of felicity have spurred renewed involvement. [ 2 ] Besides often related are constructs such as freedom, human rights, and felicity. However, since felicity is subjective and difficult to mensurate, other steps are by and large given precedence. It has besides been shown that felicity, every bit much as it can be measured, does non needfully increase correspondingly with the comfort that consequences from increasing income. As a consequence, criterion of life should non be taken to be a step of felicity. [ 1 ] [ 3 ] The Child Development Index ( CDI ) is an index uniting public presentation steps specific to kids – instruction, wellness and nutrition – to bring forth a mark on a graduated table of 0 to 100. A nothing mark would be the best. The higher the mark, the worse kids are doing. The Child Development Index was developed by Save the Children UK in 2008 through the parts of Terry McKinley, Director of the Centre for Development Policy and Research at the School of Oriental and African Studies ( SOAS ) , University of London, with support from Katerina Kyrili. The indexs which make up the index were chosen because they are easy available, normally understood, and clearly declarative of kid well-being. The three indexs are: Health: the under-five mortality rate ( the chance of deceasing between birth and five old ages of age, expressed as a per centum on a graduated table of 0 to 340 deceases per 1,000 unrecorded births ) . This means that a zero mark in this constituent equals an underfive mortality rate of 0 deceases per 1,000 unrecorded births, and a mark of 100 peers our upper edge of 340 deceases per 1,000 unrecorded births. The upper edge is higher than any state has of all time reached ; Niger came the closest in the ninetiess with 320 under-five deceases per 1,000 unrecorded births. Nutrition: the per centum of under fives who are reasonably or badly scraggy. The common definition of reasonably or badly scraggy, which we use here, is being below two standard divergences of the average weight for age of the mention population. Education: the per centum of primary school-age kids who are non enrolled in school. For our step of instruction want, we use the antonym of the Net Primary Enrolment rate -ie, 100 – the NER. This gives us the per centum of primary school-age kids who are non enrolled. What does the Child Development Index state us about how kids are doing around the universe? Are some states doing good advancement in bettering child wellbeing? Is it acquiring worse in other states? The Child Development Index replies these inquiries. The index measures child wellbeing over three periods from 1990. Japan is in first topographic point, hiting merely 0.4. Niger in Africa is in 137th topographic point, with the highest mark, 58, in 2000-2006. Overall, child wellbeing as improved by 34 % since 1990, but advancement isNewHuman Development Index: The HDI combines normalized steps of life anticipation, literacy, educational attainment, and GDP per capita for states worldwide. It is claimed as a standard agency of mensurating human development-a construct that, harmonizing to the United Nations Development Program ( UNDP ) , refers to the procedure of widening the options of individuals, giving them greater chances for instruction, wellness attention, income, employment, etc. The basic usage of HDI is to mensurate a state ‘s development. The HDI combines three basic dimensions: Life anticipation at birth, as an index of population wellness and length of service. Knowledge and instruction, as measured by the grownup literacy rate ( with two-thirds burdening ) and the combined primary, secondary, and third gross registration ratio ( with one-third weighting ) . Standard of life, as measured by the natural logarithm of gross domestic merchandise per capita. The Human Development Index ( HDI ) so represents the norm of the undermentioned three general indices: Life Expectancy Index ( LEI ) = ( ( LE – 25 ) / ( 85-25 ) ) Education Index ( EI ) = ( 0.667 x ALI ) + ( .334 x GEI ) ALI is Adult Literacy Rate, GEI is Gross Enrolment Index. GDP = [ log ( GDP personal computer ) -log ( 100 ) ] / [ log ( 40000 ) -log ( 100 ) ] HDI measures measure and quality and includes life anticipation, literacy, and existent GDP/capita. Objectivity is a major job with any index. HDI is no exclusion. Assignment of weights is an illustration of flightiness without justification and the HDI index is sensitive to the weights assigned. A more serious unfavorable judgment of the HDI is the weighting of each rank order of the state by 1/3 ( LEI, EI, GDP ) and summing the leaden ranking of the three indexs.OtherLAJWANTI ASWANI.53, Mukta Madhu Society, Bhairvnath, Maninagar, Ahmedabad – 08 Mobile: +91 9974100326 Electronic mail: lajwanti9 @ gmail.comCareer Objective:To run into the organisational aim, attain highs in the occupation profile provided through my accomplishments and competency in Human Resources Management and General Administration.Core CompetencesRecruitment, Head Hunting, Change Management, Performance Appraisal, Attrition Analysis, Leave Policy Formulation. As a enlisting performed full lifecycle recruiting A broad grade of creativeness, cost-efficient sourcing schemes and concern apprehension of organisation To incorporate the enlisting procedure into the overall strategic planning of the sphere staffing demands. Guide enlisting squad in managing the enlisting & A ; choice procedure in an efficient and effectual manner. Assist internal client in composing Job Descriptions and Person specifications to Fix the occupation specifications for enlisting and Job Analysis. Designation of high possible endowment, Succession direction and ManpowerProfessional ProfileSum of 7 + Old ages in Development & A ; Operations Management. HRM.Experience DetailssApril 2007 – Jul 07 One Source Tele Services Pvt. Ltd. One Source Tele Services Pvt. Ltd is taking BPO Training institute in India associated with CIL Infocity.Designation Development & A ; Operations ManagerKey DutiesOver all Achievement of Revenue Targets. Team Management – Center Head, Faculty, Counselor, Marketing and Administration Plan and Implement Academic Schedules and Batch Operations. Day to twenty-four hours operations and centre direction Plan and implement selling run. Quality confidence in daily operations and Infrastructure demand. Payment and Revenue Collection. Plan and implement Student & A ; Staff public assistance activities. Plan and implement pupil arrangement procedure. Behavior and present PDP for pupils and staff. Manpower planning and enlisting of staff. Performance assessment for Staff, Attrition Analysis. Motivating Gross saless squad to run into hebdomadal and monthly gross revenues mark. Nov 2005 – July 2006 IIHT Ltd. IIHT is taking computing machine hardware and instruction concatenation of institute in India. Designation Center HeadKey DutiesOver all Achievement of Revenue Targets. Team Management – Faculty, Counselor, Marketing and Administration Plan and Implement Academic Schedules and Batch Operations. Day to twenty-four hours operations and centre direction Plan and implement selling run. Quality confidence in daily operations and Infrastructure demand. Payment and Revenue Collection. Plan and implement R Student & A ; Staff public assistance activities. Plan and implement pupil arrangement procedure. Behavior and present PDP for pupils and staff. Manpower planning and enlisting of staff. Performance assessment for Staff, Attrition Analysis. Motivating Gross saless squad to run into hebdomadal and monthly gross revenues mark. Oct 2003 to Nov 2005 Sai Infosystem India Pvt. Ltd Sai Infosystem India Pvt. Ltd is taking ISO 9000 certified Computer Hardware Manufacturing, System Integration, and S/W Development Company of Gujarat.Designation Manager – Administration S/W Division.Key DutiesTo organize with S/W development engg positioned at S/W mill and on client location for their twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours operational demands To pull off meeting enlisting of S/W engg as per indent raised by S/W undertaking director. Organizing with HR dept. for Assorted assignment processs and certification Organizing with a/c dept. for assorted payments & A ; impress for S/W engg, sellers & A ; clients. Plan and implement accomplishment set up step preparation coders for S/W engg. Day to twenty-four hours client lovingness and ailment direction. Preparation of day-to-day hebdomadal and Monthly fiscal and operational studies. Customer feedback and satisfaction study. Organizing with Mktg dept for their demand like SRS, S/W squad, S/W undertaking etc. Quality confidence in daily operations and Infrastructure demand. Plan and implement Staff public assistance activities. Assist S/W undertaking director for public presentation assessment of S/W engg. and field engg. To organize and stand in contract domain specialist sellers. General disposal like pull offing substructure & A ; assets. Jan 2000 to Oct 2003 Divine Buds H S SchoolDesignation Teacher – ComputerKey Responsibilities To leave Computer cognition to school pupilsAcademic ProfileJuly 2006 – Dec 2006 Diploma in Human Resource Management from Ahmedabad Management Association. Aug 1995 – Jan 1998 Higher Diploma in S/W engg and S/W Management from Aptech Ahmedabad. Mar 1990 – Feb 1995 B.Sc. From Gujarat University Ahmedabad.AccomplishmentsWon the decoration for 2nd place in aptechOther Technical SkillsC. C++ , SQL, PL-SQL, Oracle, Power Objects ( 5.3 ) , Windows, Unix, Linux, Structured System Analysis & A ; Design, OOP, CIP, Client Server Applications, PPT, Advanced Object Oriented Analysis and design, Relational database System Concepts, MS – Office ( MS Word, Power Point, Excel etc ) .Personal DetailssDate of Birth: 11th March 1974 Fathers Name: Mr. Doulatram Naryandas Aswani – BusinessAvocations and Interest: Playing Chess and Reading.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Brutality of Ivory trade Essay

In 1989, CITIES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) approved a worldwide ban on ivory trade due to extensive poaching reducing the African elephant population by more than half. However, levels of poaching and illegal trade are getting out of control once again. Since 1997, certain countries such as Botswana and Zimbabwe have tried to weaken the ban by allowing the sale of thousands of kilograms of ivory to China and Japan. It was not until 2012 that CITIES recognized that elephant poaching had reached unsustainable levels (Elephants and the ivory trade, 1). The illegal trade of ivory is pushing elephant poaching to the point where elephants are vulnerable to extinction. This terrible, wasteful act of poaching will put many species, as well as our own, at risk and harm the economy unless we take immediate action. What would happen if elephants became extinct? Elephants play a very important role in maintaining sustainable habitats for many other species (African elephant, 2). There are certain elephant-dependent tree species in Congo, Africa that have declined in growth population after more than 98% of the forest elephants have been killed by poachers. Forest elephants help these trees by spreading their seeds when they roam, and germinate them with their stomach acids. This dual relationship allows fruit trees with no other dispersal partners to ensure reproduction (Platt, 2). Depletion in these trees will have long-term ecological effects as the loss of one species directly impacts the whole balance of the food web (Bove, 2). If elephants became extinct, the elephant-dependent tree species would no longer continue to grow, causing  the herbivores that rely on these trees for food to essentially starve as well as the carnivores that eat these herbivores, eventually affecting all local people who rely on these organisms for food and me dicine. Can elephants be protected in order to save the economy? The demand for ivory is very high. Because of this, the price of ivory has risen causing the amount of poaching to rise as well. It has gotten to the point that the tusks of a single adult elephant can be worth more than 10 times the average annual income in many African countries (Rosen, 1). This is unsustainable for the economy because if we assume that these poachers hunt elephants into extinction, they will no longer have means of making money once the elephants are gone (Planet earth, video). However, if the conservation of elephants were to put money in people’s pockets, then poaching could be stopped. A way to do this would be by the means of tourism; tourists mostly go to Africa to see wildlife, and wherever there are elephants, tourists will go. Tourism brings a lot of money into the economy, and with more money coming from tourism, poaching will become less appealing to those who need money (Johnson, 3). What needs to be done to stop elephant poaching? Because demands for ivory are so high, measures need to be taken immediately to avert the extinction of African elephants. The only solution to truly protect elephants is to reinstate a total, permanent ban on all ivory sales (Sterling, 1). Other measures that also need to be taken include the application of strong law enforcement on international levels to ensure punishment, and the closing down of national ivory markets (Elephants and the ivory trade, 1). What is being done now to try and stop elephant poaching? Many elephants are being protected from poachers within national parks to ensure their continuity and survival. Organizations, such as the World Wild Life Fund, try and protect habitats by having anti-poaching patrols surveying areas within elephant ranges (African elephant, 9). There are many African countries that recognize the threat to their elephant populations and want to protect them (Sterling, 2). Among these countries, Kenya plays a  major role in trying to convince CITIES to reject any proposals from Tanzania and Zambia to allow them to sell ivory (Elephant voices blog, 7). However, most African countries do not have the power to stop these crimes from being committed without the help of European countries (Sterling, 2). IFAW (the International Fund for Animal Welfare) is urging the European Union to support these countries that are requesting assistance to stop poaching since they have the power to ensure that a ban on all ivory is reinstated (Sterling, 2). What could be used instead of ivory? Poaching is extremely wasteful. When an elephant is killed, the poachers usually leave it there to rot. Often times, poachers will lay new snares without checking old ones and elephants caught in the old ones are also left to rot. This has lead to many animals, including humans that rely on elephants for food to starve (Poaching in Zimbabwe, 1). Ivory is mainly used in the manufacture of piano and organ keys, and minor objects of decorative value because of its durability (Uses of ivory, 1). Ivory is not a necessity; there are alternatives to the products that we manufacture that don’t require the use of tusks. A good example of this is Ivorite, made from casein (milk protein) and an inorganic hardening compound, which has both the quality and durability of ivory (Rosen, 2). Products like this always have flaws, but there is always room for improvement. In this case, RPIvory, which is an unusual polymer, was created to improve Ivorite, which made the keys less slippery for pia nists (Rosen, 2). Science and technology have improved so much that there is absolutely no more need to keep removing tusks in order to manufacture minor objects that are not essential to humans. Elephant poaching is unsustainable in the sense that it harms other habitats by disrupting their sustainability; it is extremely wasteful because of the fact that only the tusks are being used, and it ruins the African economy. At the rate we’re going today, elephants will become extinct causing many species, as well as our own, to suffer because of our greed. The African economy is so bad that people would risk their own lives to kill an elephant in order to get paid by a supplier, who will then sell it for ten times as much. There are many things that countries and organizations are doing to help elephants, but there are still many things that need to be done. Ivory is not a necessity; there are other materials  that have been created to be similar to ivory that do not require the tusks of an elephant. Nobody in the world needs an elephant tusk but an elephant. If everyone did little things, such as signing a petition to refuse to buy items made from ivory or funding elephant protection, we would still be able to meet our human needs without destroying the sustainability of the environment. Our greedy and selfish acts are making a species vulnerable to extinction; Gandhi stated, â€Å"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.† (Good reads, 1). Works cited â€Å"African Elephant.† World Wildlife Fund, n.d. Web. 29 Mar. 2014. . Bove, Jennifer. â€Å"Why does it Matter if Species go Extinct?.† Endangered Species. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2014. . â€Å"â€Å"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.†.† Goodreads. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Mar. 2014. . Kimani, Eddy. â€Å"EDDY KIMANI.† EDDY KIMANI. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Mar. 2014. . â€Å"ELEPHANTS AND THE IVORY TRADE.†The Ivory Trade. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Mar. 2014. . â€Å"ElephantVoices Blog.† ElephantVoices Blog. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Mar. 2014. . Gilford, Gwynn. â€Å"wildsingapore news: 90 dead elephants in Zimbabwe are proof that the ivory trade has gone industrial.†wildsingapore news: 90 dead elephants in Zimbabwe are proof that the ivory trade has gone industrial. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Mar. 2014. . Johnson, Glen. â€Å"Kenyan poachers make a killing in ivory.† – Features. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Mar. 2014. . â€Å"Kenya hunts for armed elephant-poachers.† – Africa. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Mar. 2014.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Identification of managerial, financial, legal and ethical Essay - 5

Identification of managerial, financial, legal and ethical implications - Essay Example Based on such a perspective, this paper analyses the managerial, financial, legal and ethical implications associated the shortage of nurses in the industry. As already mentioned above, nurses indeed play a crucial role in the provision of healthcare services in the industry. Such an aspect is evident based on the fact that nurses usually have a direct link to patients, who are ideally the greatest stakeholders in the sector (Huber, 2006). Considering the significance of the nurses in the sector, any shortage would indeed substantively pose great challenges towards service delivery in the industry. On the managerial perspective, it is clear that the success of any organization is usually linked to the managerial capabilities. With increased shortage of nurses, the quality of service in the sector is obviously expected to deteriorate, which would then negatively affect the managerial performance of the industry (Huston, 2009). Financially, there is indeed another great challenge that the industry faces as a result of the shortage of nurses. Like in many other sectors, better finances are usually attributed to better performance as customers are in most instances attracted by quality service provisions. Based on such a perspective, it is substantively clear that with the shortage of service providers, the quality of service is likely to reduce marginally. Shortage of nurses means that the few available nurses are overwhelmed with the duties they are expected to perform thereby causing distress in their performances. Once distressed, the nurses are then unable to perform at their best, therefore, reducing the quality of services (Cowen and Moorhead, 2011). With reduced quality of service delivery, fewer individuals would be seeking for medical services from a facility that faces a shortage of the service providers, an aspect, which would affect the financial

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Research Portfolio Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Portfolio - Research Paper Example Specific examples of stereotypes are that obese people are lazy and thus are less productive workers; that they have no self-control when they are eating; and that they over-present a good-natured personality in their social relationships because they are afraid of being socially excluded. Purpose of the Study The purpose of this research is to explore the extent to which the everyday lives of obese persons are mediated by a set of socially constructed meanings and how those meanings are present in their social relationships. Moreover, particular interest is paid to the process of establishing and maintaining different types of social relationships and how those bonds are considered to be both meaningful and satisfying. The relationship between being obese and losing weight to be socially accepted will also explored as another area where meaning is socially constructed. Review of the Literature: Obesity and Stigma The subject of obesity has been studied sociologically since the early 1960's, most commonly within the concentration of deviance and social control. Specifically, much of this work has focused its attention on how obesity is a kind of physical deviance and is stigmatized because of the external cues it possesses. Stigmatization stems from the possession of an "attribute or characteristic that conveys a social identity that is devalued in a particular social context" (Crocker cited in Abrams et al. 2004). More widely accepted stigmas associate obesity with laziness, social and sexual undesirability, and the externality theory of eating, which states that an obese individual, if given the opportunity, will eat large quantities of food regardless of how hungry he or she is (Puhl & Brownell, 2003a; Maykovich, 1978). An example of a more remote stigma can be found historically and, to a lesser extent, currently amongst some traditional religious circles who stigmatize the obese on the belief that they are gluttons who lack a moral self  ­restraint in th eir eating practices that will lead to their religious damnation (Puhl & Brownell, 2003a). In his work on stigma Goffman (1963) briefly noted that the stigmatization of obesity is based on the principle of visibility, which he defines to be "how well or how badly the stigma is adapted to provide means of communicating that the individual possesses it" (p. 48). In terms of that communication there are three conditions which must be addressed in order to determine how visible and prevalent a stigma actually is. The first condition has to do with how much is already known about what causes the stigma for a given individual who possesses it (Goffman, 1963, p.49). To apply this notion, if previous interactions with an obese person were to have revealed that his or her obesity was caused by factors beyond his or her control and that argument was convincing, based on what knowledge was available to justify the presence of obesity, perhaps that obese person would less likely be stigmatized by whoever were included within those interactions. Moreover, because obesity is based on external cues, it may negatively affect an obese person's ability or willingness to include him or herself in situations that require social interaction. This addresses the second condition of the

Health and social care Understanding Abuse Essay

Health and social care Understanding Abuse - Essay Example ng child abuse, difficulty in detecting child abuse since a time there are no scars or marks left on children’s bodies among others (Hoyano & Keenan, 2010). This work is about stipulated policies and legislations with regard to child abuse. It also focuses on the relevant professionals responsible for reducing child abuse in the society as well as the hurdles or challenges involved. There are different types of child abuse in the modern society. However, all child abuse is associated with emotional problems in their lives. It is a child’s right to appreciate and enjoy protection from parents or guardians. Emotional child abuse is associated with poor mental and social child development. This results from frequent shaming and child humiliations, belittling, negative comparisons, common yelling to children, ignoring a child as a kind of punishment or rather silent treatment, lack of affection to children and threatening or bullying a child. Neglecting children is another kind of child abuse. Parents in the modern world are entirely engaged in their careers to an extent that they do not have adequate time for their children as required by the law. Some parents do not cater for their children’s needs like clothing, food, shelter, food, education, security and others. This is the most kind of abuse in the current generation since the majority of parents are physically or emotionally impaired to offer such needs to their children (Starr, 2003). Furthermore, it is difficult to detect since parents have different financial abilities to cater for their childs needs. Older children rarely show the external signs or indications of neglect. Some are forced to play the parenting role to feed and shelter them. Physical child abuse includes body harms and injuries to the child. Extreme or severe caning and beating to children may result to bruises and wounds on a child’s body. Punishments should be in accordance with a child’s age and health condition. Child sexual

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Discuss, with relevant examples, the different levels of income and Essay

Discuss, with relevant examples, the different levels of income and expenditure that a typical UK individual is likely to ex - Essay Example Its quality of education is high and the literacy levels are among the highest in the world. Its learning institutions, especially the universities, rank highly in global ratings. The income levels in the United Kingdom are above the global average (Cordner, Das, and Cordner, 2010, p. 76). A typical UK citizen is thus destined to experience many levels of income and expenditures due to the nation’s diverse nature. Income The average household net-adjusted disposable income on the global scale is $22,387 per year. United Kingdom’s average citizen outdoes this and has an average annual income of $26,552. This is according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and development (OECD) survey carried out in 2010. The UK also has an average household wealth of $59,923 according to the OECD survey. This also is above the average household wealth of $36,238 for OECD members. The debt level though was $73,039 in 2010 according to a national financial education charity cal led Credit Action. This includes all debts mortgage and credit card debt. Also, the OECD estimates that the income for the top 20 per cent of earners is $55,138 per year. This greatly contrasts with the bottom 20 per percent of earners who earn $9,556 annually. The income bracket age with the highest earnings is from thirty five to forty nine years. The lowest earning age bracket is from fifteen to nineteen years (Clark, 2007, p. 88). The professional and managerial jobs earn the highest incomes. In contrast, elementary jobs earn the least incomes across the board. Of the total working population, 7 per cent have contracts lasting six months or less. 75 per cent of the men and 65 per cent of the women have jobs in this diverse economy. With more than 70 per cent of the working age bracket employed, this is a fairly good condition compared to other nations. It means that few people are below the poverty line and the living conditions are quite luxurious. Although there exists a big g ap between the high and low income earners, access to basic needs is almost assured for all levels of income. This has ensured a relatively stable economy. Expenditure Taxation Since all governments the world over depend on taxation in funding public projects to avail social amenities to their citizens, great interest is generated by this subject (Black, 2010, p. 89). The United Kingdom, being no exception, has an elaborate taxation scheme to see to the availability of public goods among them roads, hospitals and educational facilities. The typical UK citizen has a number of taxes they pay during their lifetime. A few of the taxes are personal taxes, business taxes and sales taxes. All these taxes serve the sole purpose of contributing to the national basket. Personal taxes, among them income tax, council and inheritance taxes, are directly levied to each citizen. Income taxes to a typical United Kingdom citizen include taxes levied on salaries, bonuses, commissions and overseas all owances. The basic income rate, covering incomes from 0.00 British pounds to 35,000 British pounds, charged 20 per cent income tax (Becker, 2009, p. 45). The next higher tax bracket, covering incomes from 35,001 British pounds to 150,000 British pound

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Higher Education and the Promotion of Health Essay

Higher Education and the Promotion of Health - Essay Example â€Å"Some illnesses are highly transmittable and can be passed on by touching an infected person or by getting in contact with the body fluids of the infected person† (Eddy, 1994). When the fluids of an infected person comes in contact with another the disease causing micro-organisms get transmitted to the other person. The other individual gets infected by the micro-organisms and becomes ill. Most of the causes of diseases are related directly to the environment where the individual lives or has visited. Environmental factors that cause diseases include the air that one breathes, food that one eats and the water than one drink. The air that one breathes may be contaminated by viruses that are airborne and may lead to the individual becoming ill. An example of an airborne disease is tuberculosis which is easily spread by air especially in crowded areas. Some individuals are allergic to specific foods, and if they take them by mistake, they become ill. Some diseases are waterborne, and if individuals take water that is contaminated they are a high risk of becoming ill. An example of a waterborne disease is cholera which greatly affects young children. Some diseases are caused by certain individual lifestyles such as eating habits. Eating foods that have high cholesterol levels and not engaging oneself in activities that help burn the cholesterol may lead to obesity and cardiac complications. Eating foods that have high sugar content may lead to high blood pressure and other related diseases. Some individuals have a lifestyle where they engage themselves in unprotected sex. Having unprotected sex is a very risky behavior as it makes one highly susceptible to contract sexually transmitted diseases and infections. Individuals who drink too much alcohol put themselves at a risk of getting a liver cirrhosis, and they need to reduce greatly or stop the intake of alcohol. â€Å"One needs to have a lifestyle that does not affect one’s health† (Naido

Monday, September 23, 2019

Human resource management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Human resource management - Essay Example An independent analysis of the online recruitment models at Price Waterhouse Coopers, Marks and Spencer and Barclay’s was conducted to determine whether these models are properly aligned to gain the best talent required. Marks and Spencer significantly emphasises the corporate culture that resides at the firm as a means of differentiating the business from competing retail recruiters. The website is constructed for extreme ease of navigation through the various informational pages, providing clear and distinct weblinks to explore the many diverse values portrayed by the organisation. On the â€Å"Our Values† page, Marks and Spencer clearly lists the core foundation of culture, including elements of trust, innovation, commitment, and quality of service (Marks and Spencer 2012). From this page, the candidate is able to navigate easily to learn of the many benefits of gaining employment with the firm, including employee discounts, receipt of bonus scheme outcomes, and pens ion opportunities for long-term reward (Marks and Spencer 2012). In every detail, this organisation wants the candidate to understand the dynamics of business operations and human resources philosophy at the organisation, providing ample information on leadership at the firm and the strong emphasis on diversity prevalent in this business model. No proverbial stone is left unturned in relation to providing comprehension of organisational culture and business mission and vision to assist the candidate in determining whether they would be a proper fit for this business model. The image portrayed by Marks and Spencer is one of leadership-based competence and one in which candidates should expect human resources models to contain much emphasis on social belonging and professional development. An independent candidate that prefers individualism rather than collective work groups, after assessing the sizeable basket of information about the company, might select a competitor with a more ce ntralised business model. However, the blend of knowledge portrayed on the corporate recruitment site leaves little to the imagination about what should be expected upon gaining employment. Barclays and Price Waterhouse Coopers take a different approach to the online recruitment process, with much less emphasis on transformational leadership and cultural development. As both of these companies operate in the financial sector, in generally centralised hierarchies, the content of these two recruitment websites are more professional-centric describing values associated with meeting strategic corporate goals rather than focusing on the interpersonal dynamic of inter-office relationship development. Offers Price Waterhouse Coopers, â€Å"Our culture is all about our people. The development of our people is key and though we are all driven by different aspirations, we share the same commitment to quality† ( 2012, p.1). Price Waterhouse Coopers attempts to illustrate that h ard work is the cornerstone of meeting service needs and achieving long-term goals with much less emphasis on the psycho-social dynamic of employment. Though the website is easy to navigate with ample weblinks leading to job-related information, the focus of recruitment is navigation through many web pages describing domestic and international career positions with well-developed and thorough job descriptions. Barclay’s, as well, places much less emphasis on the dynamics of existing organisational cu

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Campbell’s Life Essay Example for Free

Campbell’s Life Essay Born on April 13, 1933, Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell is one of the few politicians of note who rose in the political circles carrying proudly his Indian ancestry. He is proud of his Native American heritage. His sense of pride and loyalty to his roots and to his culture was seen through his actions as well as through his clothing; it was as if he was wearing his culture, identity and heritage. For example, he was seen wearing ceremonial tribal clothing as he attended the opening of the National Museum of American Indian (NMAI) . It was considered as a â€Å"major aspect† that has created, established and sustained the overall â€Å"persona† that is Senator Campbell all throughout his life, especially during his political life . Campbell’s personality of hinging so much of who he is as he presents himself to the public on his being a Native American Indian was just enough for people to forget that there were actually men who preceded Campbell who, just like him, were partly Native American Indian and also won elected public office. One of them served in an office even higher than Campbell’s – and that would be Charles Curtis, who would eventually become the first vice president of the United States who is a Native American Indian. The highest elected office ever held by an Indian in the US was the vice presidency . Unlike Campbell, Curtis was from the Kaw tribe hailing from Kansas. In his vein was quarter of blood from this tribe. Also, he was an attorney before getting elected, unlike the more blue-collar type of jobs that Campbell pursued early in his life before shifting to jewellery designing and production later on. Nonetheless, both elected men are good and honorable men who made the Native American Indian community proud. But even with men like Curtis and how they were ‘bigger’ men politically, the Indians appreciate Campbell’s efforts at staying with his packaging as the American Indian holding office at the senate and at the congress. This personality/attitude more than compensates for the fact that he was not the first of his kind. Although not the first Native American senator, he is the first to make a statement with his Indianness. Indeed, he, too, was a record maker of sorts, and in many ways. This is what the paper will explore throughout the discussion on the different aspects of personal and political life of Senator Campbell, who, in November 3, 1992 made a historic feat by becoming the first American politician with Native American roots to be elected as a senator. It was something that hasnt happened in more than the six decades that has passed in the senate history prior to his election to the office. Prior to that, he became the sixth politician with Native American heritage and ancestry to be ever elected to the congress, a seat that was given to him through the votes of the public for three times . Senator Campbells Indian heritage is no secret. In fact, it seems that it is one of his many major personal characteristics that the media, as well as his colleagues, often refer to or address, particularly his being Indian, and his respectful stature in the Indian community, like being a Northern Cheyenne Tribe chief, a position he and only 43 others possess . Because of Campbell’s pride towards his heritage, his people in return are doing ways to let Campbell know that his act of holding on to his Native American Indian roots and not covering it up with modern day personality just to suit his high echelon colleagues and. So that he will suit their taste for a particular company, his native Cheyenne are going out on a limb just to celebrate the victory of one of their most accomplished sons. For example, many Cheyenne individuals joined the parade. Some of them spent as much as they can spare just to lavish Campbell and the parade with the decorations fitting to the act of congratulations coming from the Cheyenne tribe. Some actually spent more than they could spare just so they can claim Campbell as their own and they can show how proud they are of Campbell. Six of the riders were Northern Cheyenne, who had bankrupted themselves to show the world that Campbell was one of their own . Despite his Indian American / Native American Indian roots, Campbell was a Catholic from the time his mother, also a devoted catholic, had him baptized when he was still a baby by bringing him and his sister Alberta to a church to be baptized just close to the time Campbell was born, until the time when he seemed to have had a falling out with the Catholic faith. But Campbell, during his adult life and especially during his tenure as public office politician, drifted from religion, and proof of this is the item â€Å"unspecified† marked on the space allotted for the identification of religious affiliation of the individual. This distinction, again, made Senator Campbell someone who is different from the rest of the field in the 106th Congress. He was the only one whose religious affiliation was unspecified, although there were no clear explanation(s) why such was the case it could be anyones guess, from clerical error, mistake, or other reasons . His sudden dissociation with the Catholic faith was a surprising turn of events for Campbell. There are many good things that the Catholic faith has done for Campbell, especially during his youth. For example, there is the role of the faith during the times they were sent to the orphanage by their parents because they cannot take care of him and his sister because of their mothers sickness and their fathers alcoholism and inability to financially support them. While the Catholic faith and the orphanage system had their share of bad reputation, history points how the Catholic experience was a relatively good one for Campbell. In retrospect, Campbell recalled how the nuns and priests, who took care of him when his parents were unable to take care of him, treated him well. In his recollection of his days with these priests and nuns, as he narrated it for his biography published in book form, he mentioned just several instances wherein he was punished like being sent inside a pig pen to be with a huge pig. The reason for his pains against Catholicism maybe rooted in the things that he never verbalized, in the things which he only referred to as painful memories of his childhood, some of which he experienced in the orphanage . If he saw flaws in the orphanage, then it is not surprising if he also saw flaws in Catholicism because the two are one and the same during his youth.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Leading And Managing A Change In Clinical Practice Nursing Essay

Leading And Managing A Change In Clinical Practice Nursing Essay I had seen many patients complains of complex wounds that need long time to cure. Complex wounds are considered as a real challenge to the health care providers especially when it is accompanied with factors that can play role in impaired and complicate wound healing such as Surgery, infection, the presence of diabetes, Trauma, Radiation, Autoimmune diseases and arteriosclerosis. As stated by Ferreira. M, 2006: The most commonly seen complex wounds that require special care and attention are Wounds in the lower extremity of diabetic patients, Pressure ulcers, Chronic venous ulcers, Wounds following extensive necrotic processes caused by infections and Chronic wounds related to vasculitis and immunosuppressive therapy that have not healed using simple care. There is no specialized and responsible team who can determine the best type of management for the patients with complex wounds. The health care provider in the hospital is providing the same care and management to the patients who complaining of simple or complex wounds. They need to know that There are striking differences between simple wounds, for example surgical wounds or skin scratches, and those chronic wounds that do not heal primarily and demand specialized care, mostly in hospitals (Ferreira. M, 2006) .This will harm the patient (physically and emotionally), decrease the quality of care that provides to the patients, delay wound healing and increase the period of hospitalization. The care provided for patients with wounds can be described in one single word which its DRESSING. While the treatment of the complex wound is much complicated. Determining that the majority of these complex wounds should be considered surgical cases and not just cases for dressings as stated by Ferreira. M. 2006. The treatment of complex wounds should be by using surgical procedures instead of the clinical measures. In addition to debridements, skin grafting, and flap coverage. Health care providers (doctors, nurses, etc) need to increase their awareness about the important of the presence of wound management team in each hospital to decide the best type of management, decrease the complexity of the treatment and choose the best surgical approaches that will increase the quality of life to the patient. Step 2 A complicated wound needs more than just a bandage to recover and heal. It needs special attention; compassion of a wound care team who are specializes in non-healing and slow to heal wounds. As stated by Tjandra. J, 2001Wound healing is the replacement of destroyed tissue by living tissue, and is fundamental to survival. My vision is to form a team of professionals who work together to assess patients wound and provide input regarding their treatment. This team consists of physicians, physical therapists, dietitians and nurses wound therapy nurses and nurses specialized in complex wounds. These specialized wound nurses may visit patients in their home in order to provide an effective plan to heal their wounds. They have to work on providing appropriate wound care to the patients that will help the complex wound to heal faster. As well as they should know that Wound healing may be impaired by general factors such as malnutrition, corticosteroids, diabetes mellitus and anaemia, which affect the patient as a whole. And local factors such as infection, ischaemia and hematoma which affect the site of the wound (Tjandra. J, 2001). In addition to cleansing, control bacterial growth and prevent infection. This team will also provides education to patients and their families to help prevent any future complications, increase there awareness regard complex wounds and their demands to heal, encourage them to collaborate with the team and participate in the treatment. This change will enhance the quality of care patients received; improve the quality of life, decrease the period of hospitalization and promote the process of healing. It is important that all practitioners are aware of the pathophysiology and aetiology of pressure ulcers and mechanisms to prevent pressure ulcer development (Ousey, K, 2005) because Patients with complex wounds need to spend long period in the hospital so they will be at high risk of develop bed sore. Team members should coordinate program to prevent pressure ulcer that will protect the patient from getting this series skin problem. This change will build up a very strong team who are able to put the patient on the right way of cure and make them able to treat the complex wounds in time less than the expected. It is a real chance for all the health care provider specially nurses toward increasing their knowledge and improving there skills. Wound care team consider as a good step towards improving the health care services in the hospital. Step 3 4 Leadership is a very important concept in nursing professional that helps to develop the skills of nurses and the other health care professionals. I will be able to achieve my vision by using one of the most important models in leaderships and management. It is John Adairs Leadership model. Adair has developed what he calls a functional approach to leadership based on three overlapping circles of needs which are achieving the task, managing the team or group and managing individuals (Cipd 2010). By adopting this model of leadership, my responsibilities as a leader to achieve the task are as follows: sharing my vision, goals, and objectives with the team members. Then, create an action plan to achieve the task, considering timescales and strategies. It is important to share my action plan with the members and ask them for feedback or suggestions. After that I will distribute responsibilities by agreement and delegation, monitor and maintain overall performance against plan and report the progress toward the team aim continuously. Finally review, reassess, adjust plan, methods as necessary. In addition to that I will encourage and motivate the members to be involved in making decisions and giving suggestions, to make the task a success and meet our goals. The leader should try to resolve any groups conflicts and look for ways to develop a cooperative team working. However, to develop each nurse and improve her skills, we will recognize the team member as individuals, and get to know their strengths and needs, we have to help them and encourage them to challenge the complex cases of wounds. It is very important to give awards and recognitions to the individuals hard efforts and work. Therefore, to achieve my vision and reveal the benefits of this change I will apply Lewins three- stage model of change. It is a holistic model that helps people to think about the change and gradually adopt it as pointed out by martin (2003). Lewin proposed 3 stages for any changes to occur, including: the unfreezing stage is when people start to believe that there is a need for change, the moving stage, when it is possible to make changes, and the refreezing stage is when the change is strengthened and becomes the new normal state (martin 2003). In the unfreezing stage team members must realize that they will be able to treat any type of complex wounds and promote wound healing if they work on improve their knowledge and skills. They will see the importance of act as one collaborative group to enhance the quality of care and promote wound healing. As stated by Reinelt (2010) Evidence-based practice (EBP) is commonly used to inform practice decisions in the fields of medicine, nursing, social work, child welfare, and criminal justice. So it is important to provide the team with some evidence based research that will guide decision-making about what treatments and protocols to use with individual patients, and offenders to ensure the highest possible accountability for producing good results. Reinelt (2010). In addition to that, I will invite nurses and doctors from other countries that are already implemented this idea in their hospitals and ask them to give presentation to our health care providers about their experience and discuses how this change can improve the quality of care and increase the benefits to the patients. Throughout this stage, I will be expecting initial resistance to the change by some people but I will listen carefully to their opinions and issues, I will try to convince them of the important and the benefits of implementing this change. I will also encourage them to give suggestions that would help in achieving my vision. In the moving stage, we will see the possibility of forming complex wound team in the hospital and improve members skills and knowledge. In this stage I will arrange for different teaching sessions and workshops that will help in increase members knowing, improve their therapeutic and communication skills, and enhance their confidence. One of the most important nursing leadership qualities is supporting your team, If the members of the team wish to develop new skills, or apply their theoretical knowledge in a practical environment, it is important that the leader provide a supportive environment for them to try out these skills. This will provide them with the true method of learning, and develop their skills in a competent manner (Lalwani, P. 2010). In addition, there will be a team supervisor who will distribute and organize the work between the members and promote team collaboration. In the refreezing stage, the change is carried out and implemented, the team is working together to treat and promote healing of any difficult wounds. Leader should keep in mind that not every member can deal with stress and other such aspects of the profession very well. So, as a leader, I will need to support them, and understand and help them in a way that proves useful for them (Lalwani, P. 2010). The Leader is responsible of solving problems, encourage and motivate the members and introduce feedbacks, as stated by Lalwani, P. 2010, Feedback can, and should also be positive, as this will further encourage your team members to perform better and keep introducing innovative yet efficient ways of becoming independent. Therefore, there will be monitoring committee to observe team achievements, evaluate their understanding, knowledge and skills and recognize the benefits of this change for patients, families, and the healthcare providers. The findings will determine if we will carry o n this change, stop it or create another action plan to overcome the difficulties and improve the outcomes. Step5 As stated by Lalwani, P. 2010, my goal is ensure the betterment of the organization I am work for, by improving the quality of patient care, which I can do with the application of various creative leadership qualities and management strategies, and the different leadership styles in nursing. My action plan included many steps and events which will aid to achieve my vision and create wound management team consist of physicians and nurses specialize in the complex wounds. This will help to achieve my goals such as enhance the quality of care patients received, improve patients quality of life, and promote healing of the difficult wounds. In addition to improve health care providers knowledge and skills regarding the difficult wounds and the most important thing is create nurses specialize in wound therapy and make them able to treat any complicated wounds. So I think my action plan is fit well with my previous explanation and rational for change. Conclusion By the end of this assignment I discover that there are at least 8 qualities that successful leaders have: Responsibility, Integrity, Decision takers, Deal with facts, Vision and inspiration, Optimism, Resilient, and Excellence (Brodie, D. 2008). The Successful leaders are not just working to put themselves in good senior position but to use their skills, knowledge and all the leadership qualities for the growth of the organization that they are working for, provide high quality of care to the patients that will lead to patient satisfaction and play role in the progress of their health and well being. I can understand now that the leaders are those who are willing to follow. They must be perfect in whatever they do, because by doing their best; they will discover that only the best is expected from their team members. Tjandra, J. Clunie, G. Thomas, R (2001). Text Book of Surgery/ Wound Healing and Wound Management. USA, Canada, Australia. 2nd ed., Pp 20, 23, 24, 25. Ousey. K, (2005) Pressure Area Care, UK.1st ed., Pp 13 Martin, V. 2003 Leading change in health and social care, 1st ed., Routledge: London and New York, Pp. 104-06. (Lalwani, P. 2010)

Friday, September 20, 2019

Mom :: essays research papers

When I was little, I referred to them as Mommy Susie and Mommy Patti. Mommy Susie was the one who gave birth to me, the one who died in a car accident when I was eleven months old. Mommy Patti was the one who married my dad when I was two and a half, who adopted me as her child, and has taken care of me ever since. I have vivid memories of talking to my adoptive mother about my biological mother, a subject matter which now seems oddly inappropriate. I think that, when I was younger, I did not entirely grasp the idea of death. I had no concept of the delicate familial web that was woven when one woman was taken away and another stepped in to fill her shoes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I have no recollection of ever talking to my dad and brother about my mother. My dad plays the role of the strong male figure in the family, void of emotion and distress. He gives me no hint as to what my mother was like, perhaps because of his inclination to leave the past in the past. As for my brother, I can only imagine the impact that her death had on him. He was only four years old when he witnessed the whole gruesome ordeal, and I often feel that it is not my place to inquire about her, stirring up feelings he has deliberately suppressed for so many years.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Although it can be argued that I have two mothers with twice the love and twice the caring, I sometimes feel that I have no mother at all. I get jealous easily when I see the bond that many people share with their mother. To no fault of anyone, my relationship with my adoptive mother seems lacking in that area. They say that the love a mother feels for her child the first time she sees it is incomparable. I often feel as if I have been cheated out of such affection, as if part of me is missing. The bond that I had with my mother was broken before I even had the chance to experience it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Perhaps the most difficult part of my situation is discerning right from wrong. Is it wrong for me to call my biological mother my â€Å"real mother†? Does that take away credibility from the woman who has loved me and taken care of me for fifteen years?

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Claire Morgan :: English Literature

‘The Signalman’ and ‘The Black Cat’ Mystery Stories. In my opinion the most important thing to make a good mystery story is suspense. The writer should have the reader wanting to read on and asking questions right from the start. The description of the setting and characters are vital to the mystery. It gives the reader the emotions to really understand the atmosphere of the story. I don’t think the atmosphere needs to be really obscured but some bizarre features are needed to get an eerie and suspicious feeling. A twist in the end throws the reader’s prediction off course, and brings the mystery together. The clues should be laid out subtlety in the story so at the end the reader can see what they missed as they were reading. If questions are left unanswered at the end of the story it keeps the readers thinking so they can imagine what happens. A death makes the story more tragic and far fetched yet realistic making the person wearier of what is going on. Being written in the first person makes the story feel more personal and emotional so the reader feels like they are actually in the story. Dialogue also adds to this affect. Having the words of a person gives you a better idea of their personality. I have recently studied ‘The Signalman’ written by Charles Dickens and ‘The Black Cat’ by William Wintel. They were both written in the 19th century. ‘The Signalman’ is a mystery story about a man getting involved with a signalman. As he first calls down to the signalman, he becomes part of the nightmare. The writer plays the part of the detective as the story is written in the first person. He starts off as just a passer by, but notices the strange, lonely man. He decides to go down and speak with the signalman when he realises he will be here again. He soon becomes very involved with the problems of the signalman. After the man told the narrator about his sightings the narrator tries to find explanations of the delusions. However the next evening he returns to find out that he was wrong. At first, he thinks he is seeing the exact same ghost that the signalman claimed to have seen, but he soon realised that this was not. When he reached the bottom of the cutting he was confronted by the dead body of the signalman. As he watched while the evidence of the accident was gathered the words of the driver echoed through his head. He had heard these words before. The signalman had told him them the previous

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Digital Television :: essays research papers fc

Digital Television   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  On November 1, 1998 computer companies, television makers, broadcasters, and program suppliers have made a transition from analog to digital television. When the FCC passed a law forcing the networks to change from an analog broadcast to a digital broadcast, all the above mentioned industries have been scrambling to get a jump on their competition.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The picture and sound qualities of digital TV broadcasts are the best on Earth. However, at this moment cost remains a big problem. You can spend anywhere from $6,000 to $10,000 at the present time (Booth 80). Once the cost is driven down over the next few years, the average citizen will be able to experience the advantages of digital TV.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Digital TV will allow for a wider screen display, like those screens in movie theaters, and a sharper picture. What causes this perk is the fact that digital signals have a higher bit rate. This allows for more bits to be transmitted into the TV (cable, antenna, or satellite). The more bits a TV can transmit, the better the picture or screen resolution. The digital TV signal can carry as many as 19.4 megabits of data, which means a broadcaster can mix multiple programs of varying bit sizes onto a single channel. Say you’re watching a football game, since one camera view only uses up so many bits, you can select a different camera angle while watching the same game on the same channel. It is possible for a network, like NBC, to show two different programs at the same time on the same channel. Conceivably, if the president in on, you can watch regular scheduled programming.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  With the introduction of the digital TV, the introduction of WebTV is upon us. One will be able to surf the internet through the television instead of using their computer. That is how the computer industry is involved in the digital TV. What companies like Sony and Microsoft hope to do is combine the TV and PC into one unit. They believe they can diminish the lines between consumer electronics and computers. Ultimately, both companies would like to make things more convenient and interface both industries. This will force computer companies and television makers to get on the ball and compete with these two corporate giants.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What will the transition to digital TV be like? Like any new radical product transition, the changeover will take some time.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

My Sister’s Keeper Essay

In the movie, My Sister’s Keeper, a suspenseful journey through a 13 year old’s push for medical emancipation. Anna, Sara, and Kate Fitzgerald get bumps and bruises from arguing over the overall morals of Kate Fitzgerald’s life. Being an ongoing fighter of leukemia, Anna, the youngest child of Brian and Sara Fitzgerald, go through a seemingly endless process arguing over their leukemia-stricken daughter Kate’s life. Throughout the whole movie, the setting is either in general, Rhode Island or in Providence Hospital where Kate goes for chemotherapy by Dr.  Chance. A suspense filled movie, Nick Cassavetes creates a drama filled movie. During one of the final scenes of this magnificent movie, Kate and Anna are sitting outside of their home in the grass on a blanket. Kate is explaining to Anna all of the thoughts that have been going through her mind for the past few months. Cassavetes includes a flashback of Anna catching Kate locked in her room drinking and doing drugs. Kate was blasting rock music and oblivious to the harm that she was causing her leukemia-stricken body. Not ever was Anna able to put two and two together to realize that Kate did not want to live and suffer with pain every minute of her cancer-full life. As a whole, this scene is etched into the film well. The overall purpose of this scene, after all of the tension, is to show a more sensitive side of the movie. This is brought out, especially when Kate is braiding Anna’s hair, furthermore symbolizing the cancer that has inflicted Kate. This scene also portrays the stronger side of Kate through the movie. Throughout the movie, Kate was always worried about never getting a boyfriend because she had no hair. For the majority of the scene, the distance of the camera follows a pattern. The camera would begin far away and then goes close-up to a certain character. The director chose to do both close-ups and long shots in order to show the proportion difference between Anna’s perspective and Kate’s. Kate can then be seen by viewers as the aggressor in the scene. The camera movement varies throughout the scene. When the director wants to convey the amount of tension in the act, he pans the camera. This type of camera movement is key to showing the unlimited amount of tension present in this scene. The director would focus on how Anna felt beat when she finds out that after all of the donations and surgeries that she had been through, her sister wants to over intoxicate herself. Low-angle shots are used by the actors who would look up into the sky and reminisce. The director uses this angle to exemplify the amount of thinking that Kate does about her life and her future. Overall the purpose of the various camera angles and movement is to draw the audience members into the movie and make is seem as though they are with the characters. Throughout the scene, the lighting varies. The director mainly uses three-point lighting around Kate and Anna to light up and enhance the entire scene. He most likely illustrates this form of lighting to add depth to the surrounding of the two main characters and keep the characters visible at all times of the scene. When the director wants to make a clip seem darker and more serious to the viewers, he uses film noir. This type of lighting is used when Anna catches Kate drinking in her room and blasting rock music in her room. Without this dark lighting, the clip wouldn’t seem as rigid as it should appear. All in all, lighting in this specific scene of My Sister’s Keeper is extremely important to exemplify the scene. The costumes play a major part in this scene. Although the attire seems like clothes that the average teenager would wear on a daily basis, it shows the calm setting of this part of the scene. When Anna finds her sister in her room drinking, Kate was wearing all black and her makeup was running down her face and Anna was in her pajamas. With all of this said, the costumes worn in the scene are substantial for the viewers because it helps them understand the sisters have fights on and off. The set of the movie doesn’t take place in California, but in a studio. Although the scene appears to be located in the city of fame, in actuality it is shot using green screens. If the did take place in the authentic location, the director would have a harder time getting perfect lighting. The majority of the time, the sky was a perfect blue and had just the right amount of clouds. Even though the set is green-screened, the scene is much better because of the computed generated graphics like the sky and the clouds that are produced, From the beginning to the end, the scene has an assortment of different kinds of editing from montage to cut transitions. When the director wanted to separate the two sections of the scene, he cut the two to show the difference in the two sections. When the director was wrapping this scene up, he faded this scene out. In conculsion, this scene, hands down, is the most valuable part of the movie. All of the thought in camera angles, lighting, costumes, set, editing, and sound came together to shape a brilliant scene. All of these elements allowed the audience to capture a â€Å"big-sister moment†, especially when she is braiding her hair and telling her memorable stories. Without this, the movie would not have been complete. I believe that this scene was necessary to bridge the gap between the tension-full scenes to the scene when Kate dies. All in all, the director’s cinematic techniques in the scene portray the themes of love and friendship beautifully in the film.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Fashion Cycle

What is the fashion cycle? Fashion cycle – a period of time or life span during which the fashion exists, moving through the five stages from introduction through obsolescence. – When a customer purchases and wears a certain style, that style is considered accepted. The acceptance leads to the style becoming a fashion! Fashions do not always survive from year to year GOAL: The ability to gauge the timeliness or occurrence at the right time, of a fashion is critical in the development and marketing of fashion products. Stages of the Fashion Cycle Fashion moves through different stages during its cycle of existence.Not only design but special features also go through a cycle such as color, texture, and fabric Introduction Stage Designs first previewed during fashion weeks at the major design centers New styles, colors, or textures are introduced – begin an upward slope Limited number of people accept them Fashion leaders wear the styles Offered at high prices and p roduced in small quantities. Rise Stage Manufacturers who copy designer clothes will reproduce the styles as apparel that costs less by using less expensive fabrics or minimal detail. In the initial incline, fashions are accepted by more people because they can afford hem.Mass Production reduces the price of the fashion, and more sales result Peak Stage Top of the hill Fashion is at its most popular and accepted stage. Mass production but prices are not necessarily low, prices vary at this stage It can survive longer if the fashion becomes a classic. Updating or adding new details of design, color, or texture to the look can keep it in the peak stage. Decline Stage Consumer demand is decreasing, going down the slope. Fashion items available have saturated the market. People do not want to pay a high price. Fashion retailers mark down the rice of merchandise.Obsolescence Stage The end of the fashion cycle, the bottom of the hill Consumers are no longer interested in the fashion and f ind new looks. Price of the fashion product may be low at this point, but consumers may not buy the product. Fashion-cycle Life Span All fashions follow the life-cycle pattern, but it varies with each fashion. Very difficult for fashion marketers to predict the life span The length of time is determined by the consumer's willingness to accept the fashion. Fashion Movement Fashion movement – the ongoing motion of fashions moving through the cushion cycle.Economic and social factors influence consumer interest in fashion. New fibers and fabrics Advertising techniques can cause consumers to change in fashion. Budget Fashion for Bargain Hunters Budget brands include Joe Fresh, Walter, and Sellers, as well as Maroons and Old Navy. These stores have done a good Job of challenging the fashion cycle and offer fashion that would be classified more at the peak area of the cycle. However, before Jumping into a budget buy keep in mind the quality aspect, budget items aren't always made o f the nicest fabrics or constructed ell, so don't buy anything budget that you want to last.Moderate Fashion for the Masses Moderate falls under the beginning of the name brand category, stores that offer at the Moderate price point have seemed to explode on the scene recently, possibly in an attempt to appeal to a wider market. This category is a little harder to define and usually includes stores like the Gap, RAW & Co, and Smart Set; They carry fashion that is appealing to a mass market, they feature fashions in the â€Å"peak† section and basics. The quality in this category improves somewhat but not greatly from some of the Budget lines.These stores are definitely popular as they are affordable to a wide variety of consumers, and don't come with the stigma of being a budget retailer. Better Merchandise for the Brand-conscious Better merchandise falls into the peak section of the fashion cycle but can also be found in the fashion forward Rise section; items here are begin ning to enter higher fashion. Garments are constructed with more natural fibers, more attention has been paid to the fit, and garment details like buttons, beads, and special stitching are of a better quality.Lines of this nature pour ore money into advertising and have a high value for brand identity, lines like Lactose, Jones New York and Lucky Brand Shares fall into this category. People spend money on these lines based on a mixture of brand loyalty and prestige, they have cost the consumer a more than average amount of money for the item and the tag says it all. Bridge Apparel for Lovers of Contemporary Designer Labels Bridge apparel is another booming section of the fashion industry; it is the attainable designer merchandise that keeps on trend.Usually provide the quality, style and cut of a designer item without the couture price tag. This fashion includes designer merchandise that couture labels have created in the form of secondary lines which mimic their current collections at a smaller price, by way of using less expensive materials and add ones. Lines of this category include Marc By Marc Jacobs, DENY, Ralph Lauren Classics, and Perry Ellis Portfolio.Other designers who don't produce couture can also fit into this category, they directly produce garments to the requirements of this section and they include labels like lisle, By Malone Berger, and Tara Jargon. These designers can be classified as â€Å"Contemporary' their lines are not serially categorized by their price point but by their fashion forward nature. This class of fashion is aimed at women who are style conscious and are looking for high quality apparel; contemporary lines are a combination of classic and trend making them wearable for years to come.Quality is still a priority in these lines, and the cut of the garment is at its best form in terms of standard sizing. Silhouettes, color palettes and general styling reflect their couture counterparts in these collections and while they ma y not be the original couture pieces, they are more functional and wearable for everyday life. Designer Haute Couture Fashion – the Creme De la Creme Designer Couture is every woman's dream; it comes with a certain prestige due to its limited availability and the limited amount of people who can afford it.Designer merchandise is carefully constructed of the finest materials and provides the wearer with a custom fitted, high quality investment garment that is sure to last them a lifetime (providing they don't fluctuate in size). However; these pieces come with a hefty price tag that can soar upwards of hundreds of thousands of dollars, and maintaining a constant body size for the rest of your life is an almost impossible task. Designers of this category include YES, Christian Dior, Christian Laconic, and Viviane Westwood to name a few.So realistically we can admire their designs from afar and wait until the â€Å"trickle down effect† takes over the ready to wear collect ions. Leading the Fashion Way Fashion leaders – the trendsetters, or individuals who are the first to wear new styles, after which the fashion is adopted by the general public. May be high profile people who get media attention. Used to be royalty or the very wealthy, but now they are media celebrities. Theories of FashionMovement Trickle-Down Theory Trickle-Up Theory Trickle-Across Theory Each theory focuses on a different set of fashion leaders Trickle-Down Theory A hypothesis that states the movement of fashion starts at the top with consumers of higher socioeconomic status and moves down to the general public. The oldest and most accepted theory of fashion change Trickle-Up Theory A hypothesis that states the movement of fashion starts with consumers on lower-income levels ad then moves to consumers with higher incomes. Athletic Apparel Style – during the sass and sass Hair Style – â€Å"Beetles†, Punk StyleTrickle-Across Theory A hypothesis stating t hat fashion acceptance begins among several socioeconomic classes at the same time, because there are fashion leaders in all groups. Elements of Design When you describe something you see, you use words that tell about the lines, shapes, colors, textures, and spaces. Line Lines can be horizontal, vertical, dotted, gig-gag, curved, straight, diagonal, bold, or fine. Lines can show direction, lead the eye, outline an object, divide a space, and communicate a feeling or emotion. Shape Shapes are made by connecting lines. Circle, square, triangle, and freedom are words used to identify shapes.Look at the objects around you and describe their basic shapes. Are they one shape, or are they a combination of many shapes? After doing this several times, you will begin to understand what shape really is. Line creates two dimensional or flat shapes. When shapes are three dimensional, we call them forms. A circle is a shape; a ball is a form. A square is a shape; a cube is a form. A drawing is a flat shape; a sculpture is a three-dimensional form. Color Color is described with the words hue, value, and intensity. Hue refers to the name of the color?red or blue, for example. Value tells the lightness or darkness of a hue.Intensity refers to the brightness or dullness of a hue. You can use a color wheel and learn how colors work together. Texture Texture is the surface quality of an item. It's how something feels when touched, or looks like it would feel if touched. Sandpaper is rough. Velvet is smooth. A drawing of a tree stump could show rough outer bark and a smooth inner surface. Search for ways to add texture to your projects. Texture adds variety and interest. Space Space refers to the area that a shape or form occupies. It also refers to the background against which we see the shape or form. Space can be defined as positive and negative.The positive space of a design is the filled space in the design?often it is the shapes that make up the design. Negative space is th e background. The negative space in design is as important as the positive area. Rhythm You have felt rhythm in music. Rhythm is also a part of things you see. It allows the eye to move from one part of a design to another part. Rhythm can be created by: Repeating a color, shape, texture, line, or space when designing. Varying the size of objects, shapes, or lines in sequence (small to large). Using a progression of colors from tints to shades (light blue to dark lull). Ђ Shifting from one hue to a neighboring hue (yellow to yellow-orange to orange to red-orange to red). Principles of Design Some combinations of design elements (line, shape, color, texture, and space) work better than others. Here are some guidelines to help you understand why some combinations work and others do not work as well. These guidelines?rhythm, proportion, emphasis, balance, and unity? are the principles of design. Proportion Proportion refers to the relationship between one part of a design and anoth er part or to the whole design. It is a comparison of sizes, shapes, and quantities.For example, the relationship between the vertical and horizontal measurements of a wall hanging may be pleasing because the unequal lengths produce an interesting contrast. Emphasis Every design needs an accent?a point of interest. Emphasis is the quality that draws your attention to a certain part of a design first. There are several ways to create emphasis: Use a contrasting color. Use a different or unusual line. Make a shape very large or very small. Use a different shape. Use plain background space. Balance Balance gives a feeling of stability. There are three types of balance.Symmetrical, or formal balance, is the simplest kind. An item that is symmetrically balanced is the same on both sides. Our bodies are an example of formal balance. If you draw an imaginary line from your head to your toes dividing your body in half, you will be pretty much the same on both sides. Designs that have a radi al balance have a center point. A tire, pizza, and a daisy flower are all examples of design with radial balance. When you look through a kaleidoscope, everything you see has a radial balance. Asymmetrical balance creates a feeling of equal weight on both sides, even though the sides do not look the same.Asymmetrical designs also are called informal designs because they suggest movement and spontaneity. Asymmetrical balance is the hardest type of balance to achieve and often takes experimenting or moving elements around until balance is achieved. Unity When things look right together, you have created unity or harmony. Lines and shapes that repeat each other show unity (curved lines with curved shapes). Colors that have a common hue are harmonious. Textures that have a similar feel add to unity. But too much uniformity sometimes can be boring. At the same time, too much variety destroys unity.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Effect of Temperature on Enzyme Activity

Investigating the Effect of Temperature on Enzyme Activity Almost all chemical reactions that occur in living organisms are catalyzed by enzymes. Many factors in a cell’s environment affect the action of an enzyme. In this investigation, you will design an experiment to determine the effect of temperature on an enzyme-catalyzed reaction. You will complete an entire lab write-up using the CHS LAB REPORT FORMAT. Fundamental Question How does temperature affect the rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction?Materials †¢Raw liver†¢Forceps †¢Petri dish†¢Labeling tape and pen †¢Dropper pipette†¢Ice bath †¢0. 1% hydrogen peroxide solution†¢3 thermometers †¢Liver puree†¢Warm-water bath †¢25-mL graduated cylinder†¢Clock or watch with second hand †¢5 50-mL beakers†¢Paper towels †¢Filter-paper disks Part A: Observe the Catalase Reaction 1. Put on apron and safety goggles. Use forceps to place a small piece of raw liver in an open petri dish. Use a dropper pipette to put a drop of hydrogen peroxide solution on the liver.CAUTION: Hydrogen peroxide can be irritating to skin and eyes. If you spill any on yourself or your clothes, wash it off immediately and tell your teacher. Observe what happens. RECORD in notebook. Liver contains the enzyme catalase, which breaks down hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to water (H2O) and oxygen gas (O2). When hydrogen peroxide is broken down by catalase, bubbles of oxygen gas are released. 2. With your teacher’s guidance, select the proper equipment and technology to measure catalase activity—a filter-paper disk. . To measure the activity of catalase, use a graduated cylinder to place 25 mL of hydrogen peroxide solution in a 50-mL beaker. 4. Use forceps to dip a filter-paper disk in liver puree. Place the filter-paper disk on a paper towel for 4 seconds to remove any excess liquid. 5. Use the forceps to place the filter-paper disk at the bottom of the beaker of hydrogen peroxide solution. Observe the filter-paper disk, and record the number of seconds it takes to float to the top of the liquid.RECORD in notebook. Part B: Design an Experiment 1. Use your observation and knowledge to develop a TESTABLE QUESTION and about how temperature will affect the rate at which catalase breaks down hydrogen peroxide. RECORD in notebook : TQ in When†¦Will format; 2. Write a BACKGROUND section of the lab by doing some research about enzymes. Use part A of this lab, and the information in section 2-4 of the textbook to help you write this.Be sure to include the Biological significance (why does it matter how enzymes function; why is it essential to rid the cell of H2O2; why is enzyme specificity important to the speed of the reaction), the Content of the class (what is the enzymatic reaction; what are the products, reactants, and enzymes involved in the chemical reaction; what do you expect to happen to the speed of the reaction when temperature is ma nipulated; what do enzymes do in chemical reactions), and the Link to this lab (how will you test this in lab; what are the mv, rv, and cvs in the lab).RECORD in notebook in paragraph format. 3. Write a HYPOTHESIS to include your prediction of what will happen in the lab. RECORD in notebook: HYP in IF†¦THEN†¦BECAUSE format. 4. Design an experiment to test your hypothesis. Your experimental plan should include PROTOCOL (materials and procedure in pictures) as well as any appropriate controls and replications (repetitions). Be sure to identify all manipulated, responding, and controlled variables in your experimental plan. Include any necessary safety precautions and safety equipment in your plan. . As you plan your investigative procedures, refer to the Lab Tips box on p. 55 of your textbook for information on demonstrating safe practices, making wise choices in the use of materials, and selecting equipment and technology. 6. Construct a DATA table similar to the one below in which to record the results of your experiment. Perform you experiment ONLY after you have obtained your teacher’s approval of your plan. RECORD data in your notebook. Data Table Temperature (oC)Time (seconds)Observations Trial 1Trial2Trial3Control Temperature: 7. Make a graph of the results of your experiment. Plot temperature on the x-axis and the variable by which you measured catalase activity on the y-axis. RECORD the graph in your notebook under the ANALYSIS section. Explain this graph. 8. Make a graph of class results in the ANALYSIS section. Explain this graph. In addition to your graph, write the rest of the ANALYSIS section of the lab, using the CHS LAB REPORT FORMAT. Include the following in your notebook: Explain what should have happened Identify what should have happened including the relationship between the time it takes the disk to float to the top and the amount of catalase activity; the optimal temperature for the enzyme; the shape change of enzymes when not in homeostasis and how that changes the effectiveness of the enzyme. Explain what actually happened †¢Summarize data Explain why these results occurred by incorporating background information †¢Again, use the information from the background section (enzyme structure, enzyme function, homeostasis, temperature, pH, etc) to explain the actual results.Compare actual to expected results (describe and explain similarities and differences—use numbers) Use simple statistics to explain data †¢Be sure to use both extremes represented (coldest, hottest, fastest, slowest) and be sure to use averages (group and class) calculate percent change if appropriate State likely human errors and how these affected the data †¢What did go wrong, what could’ve gone wrong, explain Explain how the experiment could’ve been done differently †¢Did this lab protocol actually test the testable question? Were the controlled variables actually controlled? †¢Wha t could’ve been controlled better? †¢Was the experimental control actually controlled? 9. Write a CONCLUSION for the lab, again referring to the CHS format. RECORD in your notebook and be sure to include the following: †¢Re-state the hypothesis and indicate whether it was supported or rejected †¢Did this protocol answer the fundamental question? †¢What controlled variable(s) could be changed to better answer the fundamental question? (Describe at least two different ones)